Suriname Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Suriname is 609,569, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 609,569
Population growth rate 0.95%
Birth rate 15.80 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall life expectancy 71.41 years
Men life expectancy 69.05 years
Women life expectancy 73.88 years
Age structure
0-14 years 24.11%
15-64 years 69.72%
65 years and above 6.17%
Median age 29.10 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 1.01
Population density 3.72 residents per km²
Urbanization 76.10%
37% Indian (Hindustani), 31% European-African (Creoles), 15% Javanese, 10% African (Maroons), 2% indigenous, 2% Chinese descent and others
Hindus 27.4%, Muslims 19.6%, Catholics (Roman Catholic) 22.8%, Protestants 25.2% (mainly Herrnhüter Brothers (Moravian)), indigenous religions 5%
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.724
HDI ranking 98th out of 194

People in Suriname

The Surinamans

Suriname has 576,000 residents. That is as much as Bremen alone has a population! Most Surinamans live in the coastal region. 240,000 people live in the capital Paramaribo alone! The population in Suriname is very diverse in terms of their origins. This diversity is a result of the colonial era when there were large sugar cane plantations here.


For example, 27.4 percent of Suriname’s residents are descended from Indians who were hired as workers in the 19th century after slavery was abolished in Suriname in 1863. These people of Indian origin are also called Hindustani. In 1870 the Dutch government signed an agreement with Great Britain in which the recruitment of contract workers from British India was agreed. In Suriname, as in British Guiana (now Guyana), many Indians immigrated.

African: Maroons and Creoles

A total of 37.4 percent of Suriname’s residents are descendants of people from Africa. Of these, 21.7 percent are Maroons. This is the term used to describe the descendants of slaves who have fled. They hid in the rainforest and kept many West African traditions there. Most of the Maroons still live in these southern, inaccessible areas of the country.

There are six groups of maroons. The largest groups are the Ndyuka (90,000) and the Saramaccaner (55,000), others are the Matawai, Paramaka, Aluku and Kwinti. 15.7 percent are Creoles, that is, descendants of black slaves or of blacks with Europeans. Most of the Creoles live in Paramaribo.


13.7 percent are descendants of workers from Indonesia who were hired like those in India. At that time Indonesia was a Dutch colony under the name Dutch East Indies. Most of the workers came from the island of Java and belonged to the Javanese ethnic group. You speak Javanese. In 1890 the first of these workers came to Suriname. They wanted to be independent of Great Britain, which could have stopped the influx of workers from British India at any time.

Indigenous people

Only 3.7 percent of the population belong to the people who originally lived here. One differentiates between the Arawak (Lokono), Caribs (Kalina), Akurio, Tiriyó and Wayana.

Other groups: Chinese, Brazilians, Boeroes

The Chinese were also brought into the country as workers. More came in the 1990s. Other residents come from Lebanon or are Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Spain and Portugal during the Inquisition. Mostly illegally, Brazilians migrate across the borders in the rainforest to look for gold in Suriname.

And finally, about 1000 descendants of the Dutch farmers still live in Suriname, who settled here from 1845 and hoped for their luck, because most of them came from poor areas in the Netherlands. They are also called Boeroes. Most of the Boeroes left Suriname after it became independent in 1975.

Surinamese in the Netherlands

Because many Surinamans went to the Netherlands when it was a Dutch colony, around 350,000 Surinamans or their descendants live there today.

  • Children: Every woman in Suriname has an average of 2.4 children. With us, every woman has an average of 1.4 children.
  • Urban and rural: 66 percent of Suriname’s residents live in cities. The largest city is the capital Paramaribo with 240,000 residents, which is 45 percent. Lelydorp (18,600 residents) and Nieuw Nickerie (12,800 residents) are much smaller. The 34 percent of the population in rural areas also includes the Maroons.

Languages in Suriname


The official language in Suriname is Dutch. This makes Suriname the only country in America where Dutch is spoken. The language is also present in everyday life. School lessons are in Dutch, newspapers and television are in Dutch, and so are all official forms. 60 percent of the population state Dutch as their mother tongue, most of the others learn the language as a second language.

Sranan: language of the Creoles

The Creole language Sranantongo, or Sranan for short, or Surinaam in Dutch is also widely used. It is based on English and there are influences from Portuguese, African languages ​​and Dutch. Sranan was and is the language of the Creoles, but is used by large parts of the population as a lingua franca and trade.

Creole languages ​​of the Maroons

Other Creole languages ​​are spoken in Suriname by the respective groups of the Maroons: Saramaccans is the language of the Saramaccans and Aukaans is the language of the Ndyuka. Saramaccans has even more references to the African, for example there are kp and gb, typical sounds of the West African languages. The Aluku, Kwinti and Paramaka also have their own Creole languages, all based on English.

Indigenous languages

The indigenous peoples have partly preserved their languages. The Lokono speak an Arawak language, the Kalina, Tiriyó and Wayana one of the Caribbean languages. The Akurio language, which is also one of the Caribbean languages, is almost extinct. In 2002 there were only ten speakers.

Other languages

According to their origin, the Hindustans speak Hindi, the Javanese Javanese and the Chinese speak Chinese. The illegally immigrated Brazilians bring the Brazilian Portuguese with them. Most of the Sephardic Jews also speak Portuguese. A total of 17 languages ​​are spoken in Suriname.

Religions in Suriname

48 percent of the population are Christians. Of these, 23 percent are Catholics and 25 percent Protestants. 22 percent are Hindus and 14 percent Muslim. There is also a small Jewish community. The remaining residents either have no religious affiliation or have given no information.

Suriname Overview

Suriname, situated on the northeastern coast of South America, is famous for its pristine rainforests, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. The country is renowned for its vast stretches of untouched wilderness, including the stunning Central Suriname Nature Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the Amazon rainforest, which covers much of its interior. Suriname’s multicultural society, with influences from African, Indian, Javanese, and Indigenous cultures, is reflected in its vibrant festivals, music, and cuisine. With its abundance of natural wonders and cultural diversity, Suriname offers travelers a unique and immersive experience in the heart of the Amazon basin.

  • Capital City: Paramaribo
  • Population: Approximately 600,000
  • Area: 163,820 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: Republic of Suriname
  • Currency: Surinamese Dollar (SRD)
  • Language: Dutch
  • ISO Country Codes: SR, SUR

Bordering Countries of Suriname

Suriname is a small country located in the northern part of South America, bordered by Guyana, Brazil and French Guiana.

Guyana is located to the west of Suriname and shares a border of 1,119 km with it. The two countries have strong ties due to their shared cultural heritage, as both are former British colonies and are home to many Afro-Caribbean people. Furthermore, Guyana has been a major trade partner for Suriname for centuries and recently both countries have been working together on infrastructure projects such as roads and ports.

Brazil is located to the south of Suriname and shares a border of 1,606 km with it. Brazil has had a deep influence on its neighbour throughout history due to its large size compared with Suriname as well as its close proximity. The two countries have strong economic ties due to their shared access to international maritime trade routes.

French Guiana is located east of Suriname and shares a border of 510 km with it. French Guiana has had an important influence on its neighbour’s history due to its strategic location on the Atlantic coast. Recently both countries have been working together on regional development projects such as improving infrastructure links between them.


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